I offer a different special every month ... and since it's February, we are celebrating love. Angie and I actually had this session planned for weeks, but it wasn't until the day before that she let Bobby know what they'd be doing that chilly, snowy, Saturday morning. They both came looking fabulous {and like they are still in high school!} and Bobby was such a good sport! Angie thinks this might be the first time that they've had professional pictures taken since their wedding ... it was time, and I'm so glad they did - we got some amazing shots!
I HEART FACES is having an "Anything But a Face" photo challenge this week. It's been a while since I've entered, and knew I had some great choices from this past weekend's session. Here is one of them ...
I look forward to doing some family portraits this summer with their two children {and furry family members too!} Pictures are always something we wish we had more of, but so easy to put off - till you get your hair done/till it grows out/till you lose 10 pounds/till the kids are a little bigger/till the weather gets nicer ... and on and on.
I say why wait? Why wait till it's perfect? Life isn't perfect ... there are moments happening every day, and no days are promised ... freeze some of those memories and put them in photographs. Photographs that will be passed down, for years to come, telling your story. Remember reading books when you were younger ... what was your favorite part? Looking at the pictures? Everyone has a story to tell ... does your book have pictures?
Take this link to look at what others have captured as well...