Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Let Them Be Little ...

The theme is Let Them Be Little this week over at I Heart Faces.  Having two of my own, I know what the thrill and excitement and pure joy of becoming a mother feels like. It's a new kind of love that you never knew you had. You are blessed with this amazing miracle, so tiny and fresh ... and before you know it, they are all grown up! My children are 10 and 6, and it feels like just yesterday I was in the hospital holding them for the first time - incredible how fast the years fly by. You spend the first year so anxious with anticipation for them to sit up, say their first words, start walking ... and with a few blinks of the eye, they are off and running :)
I think all moms have said "if they could just stay like this forever" ;)  We all know they don't - they grow like weeds, actually ... and while we miss the 'baby' stage, we continue to change as well, learning right along with them that life is about growing, changing, and developing into so many more greater things that we never knew possible.
I love this moment in the hospital, right after my sister had her first child - a baby girl! Daddy snaps her first picture, and at this moment they realize that life as they knew it is forever changed ... and they wouldn't have it any other way :)

Check out how everyone else interpreted this week's theme 
by clicking here

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pretty In Pink

Ever been tickled pink? That's the theme at I Heart Faces this week ... in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
After browsing through some past sessions, I came across Elsie's gallery - how adorable is she?!?
Tickled pink??? I think so :)

Others have shared too ... go check them out here