Oh So Silly is this week's theme over at I Heart Faces. I laughed {out loud!} several times as I was searching through some of my albums trying to pick an entry for today. Lots of funny moments; some planned, but most not ... just silly, carefree, fun-loving interactions - I think those are the best kind.
I had a few in mind until I came across the one below ...

This is my grandmother {pictured right} with her sister, who was visiting from Ohio. Every year my grandma's side of the family has a get together around the 4th of July.
My grandma is here in Michigan, so they keep in touch through telephone ... only seeing each other a few times a year. So when they do get together, there's lots of laughter ... and silliness ;)
You wouldn't guess by looking that they are in their 80's ... they're blessed to be in such great health - aside from the normal eye sight and slight hearing loss associated with aging - the one thing they haven't lost is their sense of humor :) I could sit and listen to their stories all day!
Most entries usually involve children, but I wanted to change things up today ... to show that whether you a kid, or a kid at heart, you're never too old to be 'oh so silly' :)
{ I was just trying to get a couple pics of them together - who would have thought it would be so hard, lol But this just might be better than any posed picture they have ... because this is the one that we will look back on and say, 'remember when ...' This captures them perfectly ... silly girls ;) }

Others have captured some great moments as well, click here to see more