Monday, November 15, 2010
Sentimental Silhouette
Both the videographer and myself were able to capture this sweet and private moment between Mitch and his daughter. It's the tender moments like these that I love to document. Hopefully 10, 20, 30 years from now, they'll look at this image and remember just how they felt ...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Purple Passion
I HEART FACES is loving purple this week ... and so am I! I was breezing through some old photos and came across this newborn session I had a few months ago. Baby Eli is enough to melt your heart! I always encourage moms and dads to include some special and personal items during our shoots to make it unique for them, and when I asked Eli's parents if they had anything, they brought out a hat and bootie set that grandma had gotten on her travels. It was a little big {and a little itchy} but more than adorable to create some portraits that the family will cherish forever. It's always nice to have a special meaning behind a picture, and this one made it to the top of the list. Eli is a special little guy that's going to face some challenges along his way {some medical issues that no little 6.5 lb bundle of joy wishes for} but with all the love that surrounds him from his family and friends and God, he's got a bright future full of possibilities. I look forward to documenting all of his milestones!
To see some more purple passion... check it out here

To see some more purple passion... check it out here
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
It's the 'In Between' Moments ...
Life is full of moments, happenings, memories ... times that we want to remember forever. We spend all the extra money on fancy clothes, new shoes ... all the time getting ready; making sure hairs are perfect and makeup is just right ... we stress out about everything and everyone being just so; sitting up straight, eyes open, eyes at the camera, nice smiles .... and we achieve it - the perfect family picture! And it's a wonderful thing! Family portraits are those sessions that are always usually so overdue ... because we always have the intention of getting them done, but have all kinds of reasons for putting them off. Once we make the conscious decision to follow through with it, we're always so happy we finally did it ... because these are the moments we want documented - we want to remember how little the kids once were; we want to look back on Sally Sue's toothless grin and remember the bruise Johnny got on his cheek the day before picture day. We'll look back on mom and dad's 'style' and think "oh my... my parents really wore that?" And so that perfect picture with everyone perfectly groomed and posed will hang on the wall with pride and go out in all of the Christmas cards that year.
But there's something else that often gets overlooked. It's those 'in between' moments. It's the time that no one is thinking about ... the time where we're just living; doing what we do. We don't think much about it, but those times are when our real memories are made. I'll always remember my dad pretending my arm was an ear of corn and ticking me with his mustache as he 'ate' it, or helping my mom bake all the christmas goodies. I loved it when my grandma would make me a glass of Tang and I would sit with her at the table while she balanced her checkbook; I had an old cigar box that she let me keep old checks in, and I would play bank while I waited for her to finish. These 'in between' moments will always be dear to my heart.
As a photographer, I want to give my clients more than just the 'perfect' family portrait ... I want to capture those 'in between' moments when they're just living; doing what they do. It's in these moments that their love and joy and happiness radiate ... it's when their heart smiles, and those are some of the best kind.
I HEART FACES is having another challenge, and this week's theme is PLAY. As I was looking through pictures, this one popped out. I love it because it's so simple and so real ... daddy and his girls on the hammock. We took lots of family pics during their session, and they all turned out beautiful ... but this one, this 'in between' moment, makes my heart smile. An amazing doctor, and amazing husband, and an amazing father who is so fun and playful with his girls ... they will remember these moments.

But there's something else that often gets overlooked. It's those 'in between' moments. It's the time that no one is thinking about ... the time where we're just living; doing what we do. We don't think much about it, but those times are when our real memories are made. I'll always remember my dad pretending my arm was an ear of corn and ticking me with his mustache as he 'ate' it, or helping my mom bake all the christmas goodies. I loved it when my grandma would make me a glass of Tang and I would sit with her at the table while she balanced her checkbook; I had an old cigar box that she let me keep old checks in, and I would play bank while I waited for her to finish. These 'in between' moments will always be dear to my heart.
As a photographer, I want to give my clients more than just the 'perfect' family portrait ... I want to capture those 'in between' moments when they're just living; doing what they do. It's in these moments that their love and joy and happiness radiate ... it's when their heart smiles, and those are some of the best kind.
I HEART FACES is having another challenge, and this week's theme is PLAY. As I was looking through pictures, this one popped out. I love it because it's so simple and so real ... daddy and his girls on the hammock. We took lots of family pics during their session, and they all turned out beautiful ... but this one, this 'in between' moment, makes my heart smile. An amazing doctor, and amazing husband, and an amazing father who is so fun and playful with his girls ... they will remember these moments.
Be sure to check out the great things others have captured
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I Heart Faces photo challenge this week is "YELLOW". I wasn't sure I had anything to enter, and then I remembered this photo taken during a senior session this spring. Though he's not wearing yellow, the rustic yellow backdrop is a perfect compliment, and I love how the colors all work together for the overall feel of the image. And though you can't see it here, I had this picture printed on metallic paper and it turned out AMAZING ... the metallic paper really set it off.

Go check out some other cool 'yellow' pics at
Monday, April 26, 2010
A Smile is Worth a Thousand Words
I HEART FACES theme for their photo challenge this week is "SMILES". I knew immediately what photograph I wanted to enter ... Chelsea and Randal had their engagement session a few weeks ago, and this is definitely one of my favorites from the day! Genuine and real, the love that these two share will bring a smile to anyone's face. I'm excited to be shooting their wedding this Saturday, and look forward to many more great shots like this ... enjoy!
Head on over and check out some more...

Head on over and check out some more...
Monday, April 19, 2010
Expressing your Story ...
I HEART FACES is having a "COLLAGE CHALLENGE" this week. I love, love, love to put together collages for my clients, and they tell me they love, love, love them too! I wish I could enter 10 times { it was hard to try and pick just one! } but I kept coming back to this one ... Baby Olivia was just a month old, and I love the look of wonder on her face ... I decided to keep it simple by highlighting her, and all of the highlights from her sweet nursery mom and dad worked so hard on. I think the colors and the story came together beautifully, what do you think?
Check out some more creativity here:

Check out some more creativity here:
Saturday, April 10, 2010
It's that time ... time to start thinking about your Senior Portraits ... what to wear, where to have them taken, how many prints you'll need, and who's going to take your amazing photos without costing mom and dad an amazing amount of $$$ ?
I have an idea ... LaTonya Marie Photography !!! If you're looking for fun, it's that. If you're looking for style, it's that. If you're looking for laid back, it's that. If you're looking for affordable, it's that too!
Choose your location(s), choose your clothing changes, and let your parents choose a package that gives them what they want at a price they can feel comfortable with!
Your Senior Portraits should reflect who you are - let your style and personality show - Book your session now and let's have some fun!
I have an idea ... LaTonya Marie Photography !!! If you're looking for fun, it's that. If you're looking for style, it's that. If you're looking for laid back, it's that. If you're looking for affordable, it's that too!
Choose your location(s), choose your clothing changes, and let your parents choose a package that gives them what they want at a price they can feel comfortable with!
Your Senior Portraits should reflect who you are - let your style and personality show - Book your session now and let's have some fun!
Ralphie was so much fun to work with! Sometimes the guys aren't 'super excited' to get in front of the camera ... Ralphie was up for it, and we got some great shots! Mr. Photogenic is also great on the mat ... representing Brandywine as the district and regional wrestling champ! Good Luck with what the future holds Ralphie!
Miss Becca is better know as Miss Buchanan, and one of our Senior Reps for 2011. Our promo shoot didn't take long... it's not hard to get a good photo of this gal! I'm looking forward to our next session because I know this young woman is going to bring style and personality. And she's not just a Beauty Queen ... you can also find her on the soccer field! {as a soccer mom myself, she gets brownie points for that!} Her personality is as gorgeous as her portraits!
So come on, what are you waiting for? You're next!
Monday, March 22, 2010
I Heart Angles ...
I Heart Faces has a new theme this week ... 'focusing on angles'. A little camera tilt here and there can really add some instant flair to your photographs! Think outside the box ... get low, go high, stand off to the side ... think of all the other ways to view your subject rather than just straight on. Look for lines and angles at your location too - they can add great artistic features as well! Be creative and try new things ... you'll be surprised at how much better your photographs become ... happy shooting !
The portrait I picked this week isn't anything over the top {and it doesn't always have to be over-exaggerated} ... just a nice little camera tilt from a slightly higher perspective; and some great lines from the shoot location to compliment. What do you think?

The portrait I picked this week isn't anything over the top {and it doesn't always have to be over-exaggerated} ... just a nice little camera tilt from a slightly higher perspective; and some great lines from the shoot location to compliment. What do you think?
Here's some more photos from a different angle ...
Monday, March 15, 2010
I Heart Faces ... Bundled Up!
iheartfaces is a really neat site for photographers of all levels; amateur to pro ... they have lots of great resources and info - and really cool contests! I was first introduced when a fellow photographer friend had directed me there because she thought a photo of mine was a 'must enter' ... well, it has taken a while, but I've decided to jump on board and give it a shot!
I Heart Faces has weekly themed photo contests ... this week is "Bundled Up" ... this picture of Isaac sums that up perfectly ... enjoy!

I Heart Faces has weekly themed photo contests ... this week is "Bundled Up" ... this picture of Isaac sums that up perfectly ... enjoy!
check out what others are sharing ...
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Births and Rebirths ... starting anew ...
Blogging ... well, I try! So easy in thought, but something happens from the time I sit down until the time I should be hitting the 'Publish Post' button. Maybe I'll come back to it - revise it a little - add a little more ... and it ends up as a 'Draft', never to be revisited again.
Let's see if we can't change that a little ... writing is something I enjoy just as much as photography - so it shouldn't be that hard. I'm not promising daily posts, but instead a conscious effort to make a plan {since everything works better with a plan} to not fall weeks and months behind. I've got a few ideas in mind ... actually I've got lots of ideas going on, which I think is half the problem! Idea overload!
So as Spring is upon us, spring cleaning is to follow ... de-clutter, re-structure, organize, simplify - our homes - our hearts - our lives. And make a plan ... it just works better.
As excited as I am for all of the great things coming up ... here's a look at some greatness that's already happened.
Baby Brooke: can you resist those cheeks! She already has a little personality all her own, and is just as cute as can be!

Little Miss Olivia made her debut to this world a few weeks early. She's just a tiny thing {at least to me she is ... my kiddos were never that small} You could just snuggle her all day!
I was super excited to get the phone call that the Clark boys were ready for their first photo shoot!
These two handsome little men were only a month old - perfection x 2.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Because Two is Better than One ...
* noun 1. perfect happiness; great joy. 2. a state of spiritual blessedness.
Mikiah and Amelia are a double dose of pure baby bliss! Each little miracle so sweet, so tiny; so perfect. These two little peas-in-a-pod are such happy and content little babies, already showing their unique personalities.
My babies are 4 and 9 ... and though I'm quite happy to be out of the diapers and middle-of-the-night feedings ... these two remind me of that indescribable joy that only a mother can experience. The diapers, the bottles, the laundry, the crying fits, the sleepless nights, the midnight trips to the ER, the bumps and rashes you're not quite sure of, the scars of motherhood and sagging boobs ... all worth it the moment they're placed in your arms. And no matter how big they get, (which happens way too fast!) they'll always be your 'baby'.
So while they're still small, let's enjoy these two amazing blessings ...

* noun 1. perfect happiness; great joy. 2. a state of spiritual blessedness.
Mikiah and Amelia are a double dose of pure baby bliss! Each little miracle so sweet, so tiny; so perfect. These two little peas-in-a-pod are such happy and content little babies, already showing their unique personalities.
My babies are 4 and 9 ... and though I'm quite happy to be out of the diapers and middle-of-the-night feedings ... these two remind me of that indescribable joy that only a mother can experience. The diapers, the bottles, the laundry, the crying fits, the sleepless nights, the midnight trips to the ER, the bumps and rashes you're not quite sure of, the scars of motherhood and sagging boobs ... all worth it the moment they're placed in your arms. And no matter how big they get, (which happens way too fast!) they'll always be your 'baby'.
So while they're still small, let's enjoy these two amazing blessings ...

and we all know ... I love, love, love baby toes ... all twenty of them!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Well, 2010 is here. Sounds kind of funny if you say it "twenty ten." I think I'm sticking to "two thousand ten" myself. A new decade, a fresh start, and lots to look forward to!
We didn't have a White Christmas, but we sure did have a White New Year! The neighbor has saved my husband a few times from the never-ending snow shoveling that we've started the year off with. As he's not so anxious to get out there and start movin' the white stuff ... the kids are more than willing to help out!
2010 also means that LaTonya Marie Photography is going to kickoff Monthly Giveaways!
I've spent the last few days thinking about what January could feature. There's several ideas that I'm working on for later months ... but what can I do in January? And then, as I was sorting through some pictures this afternoon, it became perfectly clear. Pets. I know, right, pets? Yes ... four legged, furry creatures that make us crazy mad sometimes, and crazy in love the next.
We have pets, three of them to be exact ... and these three can drive me insane at times ... chasing, chewing, barking, clawing, and all of the other joys that being a pet owner entails! Cleaning up after them - from both ends! Making sure the yard is 'picked up' before a cookout or when the kids go out to play ... 'yard fudge', that's what my dad calls it ... i know, gross, right?!? But if you're lucky enough to own one of these special creatures of God - you know exactly what I mean! Having a pet is like having a child ... it takes just as much work and training ... and can cost just as much too. (you know what i mean)
As the holidays brought joy and cheer ... it also brought some tears this past year as well. On Christmas Eve I had to rush our two year old dog, Nina, to the vet, after she had a strange reaction to some medication she was taking. I wasn't able to bring her home until the Monday after Christmas. My baby had to stay hooked up to IV's for four days, while the doctor tried to figure out what was going on. We did discover through bloodwork and xrays that her liver is a third of the size it should be. Could this be the cause of all the problems we've been having since Thanksgiving? The only way to really know is to do extensive tests and biopsies - something we can't afford to do. So, we wait. She's home and doing fine ... eating, drinking, pooing ... everything seems back to normal. Her liver could just be small and she was just some funny kind of sick ... or her liver could be small because it's failing, and there's nothing we can do about it. Without spending thousands on tests, time will tell. If she resorts back to the same symptoms, we will know why. And that's something I hope we don't have to face. She's our pet - my baby, Isaac's buddy, Alexia's love, grandma's baby girl ... a big lover who jumps up on ya, dirties my carpets, digs in my yard, sheds EVERYWHERE ... and protects us and loves us unconditionally.
Then there's Jetta ... our gay cat. We originally thought HE was a SHE - a jet black kitten who showed up under my mom's shed in October, that somehow found his way into our home ... and our hearts.
He eats out of pink dishes and sleeps in a pink bed ... but the kids can't adjust to calling him Jet, so Jetta he stays ... and he is the sweetest little loving guy you could meet ... definitely a mama's boy. The cutest thing of it all is the bond that Nina and Jetta have ... these two are each other's shadow - that cat snuggles up with the dog every night ... and Nina is happy as a peach because Tinker, our other cat, isn't too fond of either of them. You see, this was her palace, she ruled the house here for three years... and now she has to share. Miss Tinks is a sweetheart herself - both of my cats have such unique personalities ... I'm not quite sure they know they're cats. And Tinker tolerates the other two, and even plays - when she wants to. Tinker loves to get up early in the mornings and 'talk' to her 'master' as he gets ready for work ... they have bonding time, and what makes it even more funny- my husband is allergic to cats! He does have a special place in his heart for Tinker though, and I love him for that!

So, as I didn't mean to make such a long post, this one kind of required it. Now you know about my zoo, and as crazy mad as these three can make me, they somehow make me love them like crazy. Life without them? Cleaner, quieter, calmer - yes. But something would be missing. They say that pet owners live longer lives ... and even say that you may look like your pet - well ... i guess when my hair was highlighted, Nina and I did share some resemblance ... lol.
If you don't own any pets, then I'm sorry for boring you ... but if you do ... and your pet is a member of your family - you know the special kind of love I'm talking about ... and truth of the matter is ... if you have this blessing in your home, love them back, because that's all they want.
All three of ours were 'rescued', and I encourage you to consider giving one of those sweet things a second chance. And, as Bob Barker would tell you, please get them spayed or neutered ... let's help control the pet population.
So ... back to the giveaway! For all of my pet owners out there ... if you are kind enough to donate a bag of food (that we will collect and take to the local animal shelter) ... I will photograph your pet(s), provide you with a disk of all the edited images and a 5x7 print. All you have to do is contact me on facebook, or send me an email: If you'd like to make a monetary donation, that would be accepted as well ... everything collected will be taken to the shelter and greatly, GREATLY appreciated. My daughter opted to collect donations for the Humane Society a couple years ago for her birthday instead of presents... and when we delivered all the goods, they were more than appreciative to receive it, and Alexia was quite proud to help out. Every little bit helps ... who's ready? This offer will continue through the end of the month. I will also be volunteering to photograph the animals at the shelter, so that the staff can use those to post on their website, create flyers, etc.
I thank you in advance for supporting this cause.

We didn't have a White Christmas, but we sure did have a White New Year! The neighbor has saved my husband a few times from the never-ending snow shoveling that we've started the year off with. As he's not so anxious to get out there and start movin' the white stuff ... the kids are more than willing to help out!
I've spent the last few days thinking about what January could feature. There's several ideas that I'm working on for later months ... but what can I do in January? And then, as I was sorting through some pictures this afternoon, it became perfectly clear. Pets. I know, right, pets? Yes ... four legged, furry creatures that make us crazy mad sometimes, and crazy in love the next.
We have pets, three of them to be exact ... and these three can drive me insane at times ... chasing, chewing, barking, clawing, and all of the other joys that being a pet owner entails! Cleaning up after them - from both ends! Making sure the yard is 'picked up' before a cookout or when the kids go out to play ... 'yard fudge', that's what my dad calls it ... i know, gross, right?!? But if you're lucky enough to own one of these special creatures of God - you know exactly what I mean! Having a pet is like having a child ... it takes just as much work and training ... and can cost just as much too. (you know what i mean)
As the holidays brought joy and cheer ... it also brought some tears this past year as well. On Christmas Eve I had to rush our two year old dog, Nina, to the vet, after she had a strange reaction to some medication she was taking. I wasn't able to bring her home until the Monday after Christmas. My baby had to stay hooked up to IV's for four days, while the doctor tried to figure out what was going on. We did discover through bloodwork and xrays that her liver is a third of the size it should be. Could this be the cause of all the problems we've been having since Thanksgiving? The only way to really know is to do extensive tests and biopsies - something we can't afford to do. So, we wait. She's home and doing fine ... eating, drinking, pooing ... everything seems back to normal. Her liver could just be small and she was just some funny kind of sick ... or her liver could be small because it's failing, and there's nothing we can do about it. Without spending thousands on tests, time will tell. If she resorts back to the same symptoms, we will know why. And that's something I hope we don't have to face. She's our pet - my baby, Isaac's buddy, Alexia's love, grandma's baby girl ... a big lover who jumps up on ya, dirties my carpets, digs in my yard, sheds EVERYWHERE ... and protects us and loves us unconditionally.
Then there's Jetta ... our gay cat. We originally thought HE was a SHE - a jet black kitten who showed up under my mom's shed in October, that somehow found his way into our home ... and our hearts.
He eats out of pink dishes and sleeps in a pink bed ... but the kids can't adjust to calling him Jet, so Jetta he stays ... and he is the sweetest little loving guy you could meet ... definitely a mama's boy. The cutest thing of it all is the bond that Nina and Jetta have ... these two are each other's shadow - that cat snuggles up with the dog every night ... and Nina is happy as a peach because Tinker, our other cat, isn't too fond of either of them. You see, this was her palace, she ruled the house here for three years... and now she has to share. Miss Tinks is a sweetheart herself - both of my cats have such unique personalities ... I'm not quite sure they know they're cats. And Tinker tolerates the other two, and even plays - when she wants to. Tinker loves to get up early in the mornings and 'talk' to her 'master' as he gets ready for work ... they have bonding time, and what makes it even more funny- my husband is allergic to cats! He does have a special place in his heart for Tinker though, and I love him for that!

If you don't own any pets, then I'm sorry for boring you ... but if you do ... and your pet is a member of your family - you know the special kind of love I'm talking about ... and truth of the matter is ... if you have this blessing in your home, love them back, because that's all they want.
All three of ours were 'rescued', and I encourage you to consider giving one of those sweet things a second chance. And, as Bob Barker would tell you, please get them spayed or neutered ... let's help control the pet population.
So ... back to the giveaway! For all of my pet owners out there ... if you are kind enough to donate a bag of food (that we will collect and take to the local animal shelter) ... I will photograph your pet(s), provide you with a disk of all the edited images and a 5x7 print. All you have to do is contact me on facebook, or send me an email: If you'd like to make a monetary donation, that would be accepted as well ... everything collected will be taken to the shelter and greatly, GREATLY appreciated. My daughter opted to collect donations for the Humane Society a couple years ago for her birthday instead of presents... and when we delivered all the goods, they were more than appreciative to receive it, and Alexia was quite proud to help out. Every little bit helps ... who's ready? This offer will continue through the end of the month. I will also be volunteering to photograph the animals at the shelter, so that the staff can use those to post on their website, create flyers, etc.
I thank you in advance for supporting this cause.


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