Blogging ... well, I try! So easy in thought, but something happens from the time I sit down until the time I should be hitting the 'Publish Post' button. Maybe I'll come back to it - revise it a little - add a little more ... and it ends up as a 'Draft', never to be revisited again.
Let's see if we can't change that a little ... writing is something I enjoy just as much as photography - so it shouldn't be that hard. I'm not promising daily posts, but instead a conscious effort to make a plan {since everything works better with a plan} to not fall weeks and months behind. I've got a few ideas in mind ... actually I've got lots of ideas going on, which I think is half the problem! Idea overload!
So as Spring is upon us, spring cleaning is to follow ... de-clutter, re-structure, organize, simplify - our homes - our hearts - our lives. And make a plan ... it just works better.
As excited as I am for all of the great things coming up ... here's a look at some greatness that's already happened.
Baby Brooke: can you resist those cheeks! She already has a little personality all her own, and is just as cute as can be!

Little Miss Olivia made her debut to this world a few weeks early. She's just a tiny thing {at least to me she is ... my kiddos were never that small} You could just snuggle her all day!
I was super excited to get the phone call that the Clark boys were ready for their first photo shoot!
These two handsome little men were only a month old - perfection x 2.

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