Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's the 'In Between' Moments ...

Life is full of moments, happenings, memories ... times that we want to remember forever. We spend all the extra money on fancy clothes, new shoes ... all the time getting ready; making sure hairs are perfect and makeup is just right ... we stress out about everything and everyone being just so; sitting up straight, eyes open, eyes at the camera, nice smiles .... and we achieve it - the perfect family picture! And it's a wonderful thing! Family portraits are those sessions that are always usually so overdue ... because we always have the intention of getting them done, but have all kinds of reasons for putting them off. Once we make the conscious decision to follow through with it, we're always so happy we finally did it ... because these are the moments we want documented - we want to remember how little the kids once were; we want to look back on Sally Sue's toothless grin and remember the bruise Johnny got on his cheek the day before picture day. We'll look back on mom and dad's 'style' and think "oh my... my parents really wore that?" And so that perfect picture with everyone perfectly groomed and posed will hang on the wall with pride and go out in all of the Christmas cards that year.
But there's something else that often gets overlooked. It's those 'in between' moments. It's the time that no one is thinking about ... the time where we're just living; doing what we do. We don't think much about it, but those times are when our real memories are made. I'll always remember my dad pretending my arm was an ear of corn and ticking me with his mustache as he 'ate' it, or helping my mom bake all the christmas goodies. I loved it when my grandma would make me a glass of Tang and I would sit with her at the table while she balanced her checkbook; I had an old cigar box that she let me keep old checks in, and I would play bank while I waited for her to finish. These 'in between' moments will always be dear to my heart.
As a photographer, I want to give my clients more than just the 'perfect' family portrait ... I want to capture those 'in between' moments when they're just living; doing what they do. It's in these moments that their love and joy and happiness radiate ... it's when their heart smiles, and those are some of the best kind.

I HEART FACES  is having another challenge, and this week's theme is PLAY.  As I was looking through pictures, this one popped out. I love it because it's so simple and so real ... daddy and his girls on the hammock. We took lots of family pics during their session, and they all turned out beautiful ... but this one, this 'in between' moment, makes my heart smile. An amazing doctor, and amazing husband, and an amazing father who is so fun and playful with his girls ... they will remember these moments.

Be sure to check out the great things others have captured


Britney Emilie said...

oh how precious!! What a wonderful capture. Amazing photo LaTonya Marie!

Frizzy said...

Such a beautiful and intimate photo. Love how you captured this family moment.